Saturday, December 3, 2011

June 15th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I haven't received a letter from you for a long time. In fact it seems like months since i have heard from you. I did receive something from you that was worth a hundred letters and that is your picture. It is probably the sweetest thing you could have done. A couple of the fellows have seen your picture and now I got competition, they are falling in love with you too! May I say that I think you are a very lovely girl.

I went into town on pass today and had a very nice time. I went to a theater and saw "Son of Fury" it was very good.

I didn't stay in town very long because there really isn't much to do. Most of the fellows in town seemed to be enjoying themselves by getting drunk. I don't drink so that kind of left me out. I can't see where it does a fellow any good to get drunk these days.

I suppose but this time you are finding this letter very uninteresting but there really isn't very much to write about. While I am writing this I am looking at your picture and I can't seem to think of anything that would be more interesting to write about.

I guess I will ask you a few questions. What are you doing these days? what do you plan to do now that you have graduated? Are you doing much swimming these days? I heard that it's grand up where you are in the summer.

I can't think of anymore to write so I will close hoping to hear from you real soon.


Thanks again for the picture, it was swell of you to send it.

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