Saturday, December 3, 2011

May 26th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I received your letter today that was dated May 13th. It was good to hear from you again, it seemed like ages since i had heard from you.

Thanks a lot for the very nice pictures of yourself. It seems like I can't stop looking at them. I would like some larger ones if you have them. I am sorry I didn't know when i had those photographs taken. I could of sent you one of them. When Mrs. Daley gets hers please write and tell me what you think of it.

I sure will come to Carsonville when I get back. I am looking forward to meeting you. I also hope to do some hunting. Most of all I hope that we can get to know each other real well when I get back.

I am going to send you some more pictures in a few days. I am having them developed.

I wish I could be there for the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Daely's twenty fourth wedding anniversary. I guess I am missing a lot of things these days,

I think I will close for now hoping to hear from you real soon.

Your Friend

(some of the letters seem redundant but it was because there was such a delay in delivery and lost mail that my grandfather often repeated himself just so he knew that something would eventually get home.)

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