Saturday, December 3, 2011

June 17th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I finally received a letter from you, it seemed like ages since I had heard from you.
I wish I could receive a letter like that from you everyday. Please write as often as you can because I am always looking for a letter from you.

I was glad to hear that your party was a success. I also wish I could of been there. Maybe some day your wishes will come true at least. I will try to make them come true. I hope it won't be long before we can see each other because I know I am going to enjoy doing things for you and taking you places. I have learned to like you a lot over the short time that I have known you.

I am glad you liked the pictures. I will try to send more as time goes on. I want to thank you again for sending me that picture of yourself, it was grand. It seems like I can't stop looking at it. I will see what I can do about sending you a photograph. It is hard to get them made over here. If you keep looking at those pictures, you may get sick of them, but I hope not.
I will try to write to you as often as I can. It might be a little hard to write three times a week but if you write that often, I will do my best. My dear that would be grand to hear from you that often.

I was glad to hear that you and Marceline got along so well. You have probably hear that she has always been the apple of my eye. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her and Jerry.

I can't think of anymore to write so i will close hoping to hear from you real soon.


P.S. your letter was dated June 7th.

(Marceline is my great Aunt Marce and Jerry is her husband, Gerald Daley.)

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