Saturday, December 3, 2011

June 26th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I haven't received any letters from you for over a week. It seems like I haven't heard from you for over a month. I wish the mail service was a little better so I wouldn't get all of your letters at once. Please write as often as you can and I will get them in time.

I haven't thought much about that nickname as yet. I have been kind of busy at night. I did kind of study your name before I started to write this letter and I thought of this one (Jan). If you don't like it I will try to think of another. I hope you haven't forgot that i am expecting some help from you. After all it was you that said your name was to long. I like it just as it is.

I suppose by this time you have been all over Detroit. I do hope you have luck in getting a job. Did you get to visit my sister while you were there? Do you really think you would like to live in Detroit? I don't mind working there but I would like some place a little more peaceful.

Maybe it is because I have lived there so long. I sure will be glad to back there.

I haven't been able to do anything about those photographs as yet. I will be able to go in town on a few days and I expect to order them. Don't forget to send some more snapshots of yourself soon.

I am sure glad that you sent photographs of yourself. My dear that is about the sweetest thing you could of done, if you don't mind me telling you again.

I can't think of another thing to write about so I will close hoping to hear from you real soon.


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