Saturday, December 3, 2011

June 22nd, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I couldn't wait for a letter from you so i just had to write a few lines. To be truthful about the whole thing, I was thinking about you. I can't help thinking about you all of the time now that I have your picture. I hope the day is not far off when I can see you in person.

I went into town yesterday, but I couldn't get my picture made because they are closed on Sunday. I'll be sure to take care of it the next time I go into town. There isn't very much to do on Sunday in town, so I came back to camp early in the afternoon.

When you go to Detroit be sure and visit my sister and see some of the things I have sent home. Be sure and write how you like the big city. It's too bad that I can't be there to take you around. I would really enjoy doing that. It is funny but the people who live in a small town want to live in the city and the people in the city want to move to a small town. I hope you luck in finding a job. Maybe my sister can help you by telling you where to go.

I hope you don't mind me writing the kind of letters that I do. If I know your feelings about your friendship it would make it a lot more easy to write. There is so many things I would like to say but I am afraid you may think I am terribly forward. Please don't think I am bold because I have grown to like you a lot and enjoy your letter ever so much. I think I would feel lost if you should happen to stop writing me now.

I am making a picture album so please send me all the snapshots of yourself that you can. I hope to send you some more in the very near future. We have to be careful about where we take pictures so it makes it kind of hard.

I can't think of anymore to write so I will close hoping to hear from you very soon.


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