Saturday, December 3, 2011

May 11th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I just received your letter a few minutes ago. I cant quite understand why you are not receiving any letters from me. I have answered each one of your letters. In your next letter please write in the dates of the letters as you receive them. Then i will know which letters you have received.

I thought you were a friend of mine? how am i going to get your honest opinion of that photograph if you aren't going to say anything against.

Of course if it is to bad, why forget that i mentioned. i mailed them home a quite a long time ago, they should be there anyday now.

I am sorry but i cant tell why i have that new address. it is just one of those things we cant talk about. It i ever get back to the states i will tell you all about it.

I am sort of looking forward to receiving those pictures of yourself. I will try to send you some in my next letter.

I am glad you like my nickname, although i have hear of better ones. I'll bet that you have probably got one too, how about breaking down and telling what it is. if you haven't, i am going to try and think one for you.

I'll close hoping to hear from you real soon.

(it was around this time my grandfather had been shipped out to a unknown pacific island to continue the campaign. also i want to note that at the time my grandmother was about to turn 18 and my grandfather was just about to turn 20.)

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