Saturday, December 3, 2011

May 6th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I received your letter that was dated April 26th today. It takes quite some time to get a letter over her. I try to answer your letter as soon as i get them.

Please don't let the new address fool you, i am still at the same place. That is all i can say about it just now. We are not allowed to tell where we are.

I sure will come to Carsonville when i get back. In fact i will be sort of looking forward to meeting you. I hope it wont be long before i can get back.

Ill try to send pictures from time to time if i can get them made. It is rather hard to take pictures here because we have to be careful of the background. I will like very much to have that picture of you if you care to send it. I am sure it would look very nice on my locker door. Then to i would have a chance to get to know you better.

I was in California at one time but i hope to go back some day and spend more time there. It is very beautiful, that is why i want to go back.

My favorite song right now is Miss You. We hear it quite often over here. They don't play many popular songs here.

Ill close for now hoping to hear from you soon.

Your Friend,

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