Saturday, December 3, 2011

May 23rd, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I haven't heard from you in quite some time. I do hope you haven't stopped writing because i enjoy your letters very much.

I went into town on pass the other day and had a very nice time. I went to the theater and saw the picture Sergeant York. It made me kind of homesick when it showed where he was returning home. There was a few other parts that kind of hit me between the eyes.

I suppose it is really nice where you are now. I have heard a lot about it, but i have never been there. I got a letter from Mrs. Daley and she said you were having grand weather. Maybe when I get back I will have a chance to visit your part of Michigan. My real reason I guess for wanting to come there is because I want to meet you. I really hope to get a chance to know you better. That is if you feel the same about the whole thing as I do.

I have been looking forward to recieving dome pictures of you. I am sending you a picture of myself taken just after i came in from work.

I can't think of anymore to write so I will close hoping to hear from you real soon.


I also want to wish you a very Happy Birthday.

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