Saturday, December 3, 2011

June 19th, 1942

Dear Juanita,

I received two letters from you today, they were dated May 25th and June 1st, I can hardly get over it, receiving so much mail from you the last few days. Please write as often as you can because I am always looking forward to receiving a letter from you. I am sure that I will always want to hear from you.

I am glad you liked that photograph of myself.But I still don't think it was as good as you say. I hope you're not trying to make me think that I am Clark Gable, but I am glad you liked it.

So far as nicknames go, well I haven't thought of any yet. But I can think of a lot of nice names I would like to call you. But before I can do that I have got to have your permission. I have been thinking about it for the last week or so and haven't been doing so good. How about a little help, I am open for suggestions. After all my dear, it is you I am trying to name.

I am six foot tall, that isn't so tall or is it? How about telling me how tall you are. It doesn't matter but I would like to know. I never did like a real tall girl.

I can't stop looking at that picture of you. May I say again that I think you are a very lovely girl. I just can't express words what I really think of it. Maybe someday when I get back home I will be able to tell you what I really think. I think that would be a lot nicer anyway. I would like to have a picture of you in your cap and gown if you care to send it.

I to hope the day isn't far off when can spend some time together on the farm. I have thought a lot about it and it seems that I can hardly wait.

The next time I get into town I will see what I can do about getting a picture of myself made. It will probably take some time so don't give up hope.

I'm glad to hear that you are doing a lot of planning. Keep it up dear and maybe they will all work out in the near future.

I can't think of anymore to write so I will close hoping to hear from you soon.


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